James Holzhaur's streak on Jeopardy comes to an end

Question: What is June 3rd?

That's the correct response to the answer: This is when James Holzhauer's winning streak on Jeopardy will end. 

That leaked clip was the real thing. Holzhauer has gone down after 32 straight wins. We know this because Jeopardy has already aired in a few markets in the eastern part of the U.S. He lost by $22,000 to a librarian from Chicago named Emma Boettcher.

He'd gotten within $60,000 or so of record-holder Ken Jennings's total winnings -- although it took Jennings more than twice as long to amass his $2.52 million back in 2004.

Holzhauer gave Boettcher a high-five after she won, and said in an interview after the taping, "Nobody likes to lose. But I’m very proud of how I did, and I really exceeded my own expectations for the show. So I don’t feel bad about it.”

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