Here's A List of GOOD Things Happening in the World!

There is some good news...

There were no new domestic cases of Coronavirus today in China.

China reports success in Japanese drug used to treat the virus.

China has closed its last Coronavirus hospital. There aren’t enough cases to need the special hospitals.

Tom Hanks is going to recover.

New cases in Italy and South Korea are declining, though still miles to go.

Medics in India have succeeded in curing coronavirus patients with a mix of HIV, swine flu, and Malaria meds.

Researchers at Rotterdam and Utrecht University say they have discovered an antibody that can fight off an infection from coronavirus.

Apple has reopened all 42 stores in China as of Friday, 3/13.

A newborn in the UK and 103 year old grandmother in China will each make a full recovery.

The Cleveland Clinic has developed a test that gives COVID-19 results in hours, not days.

There are hundreds of scientists all over the world working on a cure as you read this.

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