1 of 6 We kicked off the weekend at the mall, Grady somehow convinced me to let him try to hang for $100... I knew better but he convinced me. The kid actually did REALLY great. He only had 40 seconds to go but just couldn't hang on. The bar spins (which the guy at the mall stopped some for him) and I think it gets hot too... he said his hands were sweating like crazy!
2 of 6 We played pac man, and old school pinball machines which I'm surprised Grady liked- but he did. Man, I hadn't been to the mall in a WHILE ... it was a pretty fun way to kick off the weekend.
3 of 6 Day 2 of the weekend was spent at the waterpark! Grady rode the big slide behind him like 20 times or something! It was packed out, which always makes for great people watching anyway! We got there first thing in the morning- so the kids rode all the slides while the lines were short. Great day at the park!
4 of 6 Teenagers travel together... Josh and his friends came out the waterpark - I saw them twice, LOL
5 of 6 We wanted to see the fireworks downtown and didn't feel like seeking out a perfect spot to watch, so we bought tickets to the baseball game! Nothing like a baseball game and a hot dog on the 4th of July!
6 of 6 The fireworks on the field did not disappoint! We could also see the huge display over downtown in the background simultaneously, totally Patriotic and wonderful. My eyes were watering a little (I think it was allergies, very Patriotic allergies)