The National Nightmare may be over: hot dogs and buns in same amount

Photo: Getty Images

Finally! It’s an age-old dilemma ... hot dogs typically come in a pack of 10 – but hot dog buns come in a pack of 8, often causing an over-buying of buns. Well, Heinz has had enough. The condiment company has introduced their Heinz Hot Dog Pact – which is a petition "calling on big bun and big wiener companies to finally sell buns and wieners in even packs." "We've seen our fans through social media express their outrage about the bun-to-hot-dog ratio issue for years, and we know there must be a better way. We believe that the time for change is now and we are hopeful," said Daniel Gotlib, associate director of brand building and innovation for the Kraft Heinz Company. Now the question becomes -- Do hot dog makers drop their package to eight – or do bun makers increase their packages to 10? Time will tell.

Photo: Getty Images

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