Would you share your vacation days with a coworker just so they could take a trip? This is the situation one woman who has no kids and lots of accumulated vacation time found herself in. The 25-year-old explains that she’s been saving up her vacay days so she can take a long vacation and she has 44 days waiting for her. Employees at her company are allowed to donate their days to someone else and a coworker of hers is pushing her to do just that. The woman’s colleague is 41 and has three kids and when one of them was sick, she had to use four days to stay home with the child. The coworker’s brother also died and she took time off then, which ate into her vacation time as well. But she also tends to take a day or two every month or so, which has left her without many vacation days left. But now her kids want to take her on a trip, so she’s asking her childless coworker for some of hers. “She wants me to give her six of my days,” the woman explains, adding that the colleague says she “needs the break more” than her. The younger woman felt pressured by the mom to give her vacation days up, even though she didn’t want to, especially after the mom told her it was her fault her “kids’ dreams are being crushed.” Luckily, she found a solution that made everyone happy when a group of coworkers each donated a day to her so she could get a full two weeks off for the getaway with her children.
Photo: Getty Images