Chucky kid freaking out Pinson, Alabama residents

Photo: Getty Images

Not everything your five-year-old does is cute. Some things are insanely creepy, like this young boy in Pinson, Alabama named Jackson who’s just 5 years old and likes to dress up like Chucky and walk around town. Jackson wears overalls and a Chucky mask, which looks just like the terrifying doll from the Child's Play movies. His parents think it's hilarious, but some of their neighbors in Pinson, Alabama, are so freaked out that they've asked his parents to keep him home because he's scaring them. One resident, Kendra Walden, has posted photos of the creepy kid on Facebook, writing, "Dear parents of the little boy in the Chucky costume in Pinson: GET YOUR KID. I almost had a heart attack." Others find it funny and have even asked him to make appearances at parties. As of Tuesday afternoon, the post had been viewed more than 105,000 times.

Jackson's neighbor called us on the air and told us that his mom is watching him, don't worry that he's running around at 5 years old with no supervision... he was in front of his house when those pictures were taken.

Photo: Getty Images

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