Well... I've been thinking about this a lot over the past two weeks and went back and forth with myself over this decision a hundred times, but I'm happy to announce.... I'VE ADOPTED MY FOSTER PUPPY!
This started when I saw the South Suburban Humane Society at the Miranda Lambert concert a few weeks ago and asked them if they needed fosters then I brought this sweet little german shepherd mix home and absolutely fell in love with her.
I've named her Stevie (after Stevie Nicks) and she has really rescued me more than I have rescued her. If you've followed along my life story, this past year has not been one of the easiest years for me. I had a major surgery earlier in the year, worried that I would not be able to have kids following that surgery and have had a few of my own personal struggles and I didn't realize how bad I really felt until Stevie came into my life. I was literally locking myself up in my apartment all day and probably spiraling into a little bit of a depression.
Then I got this puppy and she opened up a whole new world to me. From discovering the dog park and watching her make friends with other dogs (which forced me to make friends with the other dog owners) to actually getting out and camping with her and exploring new places outside of my comfort zone she has literally dragged me off my couch and back into the world.
I've also learned that having a puppy is practice for having a child because now I'm 100% on her schedule and not mine! Watching her learn how to do something new every day has brought so much joy into my world. She also goes up to everyone we pass in my building and on the street to say hello which has in turn has forced me to talk to strangers and meet several neighbors in my building I otherwise probably would have never met. (And she snuggles with the cats incase you were wondering!)
Anyway, I'm a proud dog mom now and I love her! The South Suburban Humane Society is also having a huge adoption event this weekend if you've been thinking about adopting it might be a good time for you! All the information is HERE.
And keep a lookout I'll definitely be having a 'Puppy Shower' to celebrate the new addition to the family soon!