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Little girl who was told to stop cheering, rewarded by Houston Astros!

The Houston Astros are heading into the playoffs ready to defend their World Series title and they're rallying around one of their youngest and loudest fans.

In a video shared on Twitter earlier this week, which has since gone viral, eight-year-old Chloe is seen getting reprimanded by a woman sitting in front of her at Minute Maid Park for cheering too loudly. 

Chloe looked stunned and stopped cheering. Her mother explained that Chloe has Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) and has trouble comprehending emotions. 

Some of the Astros players saw the video and were outraged to see one of their young fans told to stop cheering.

Pitcher Lance McCullers said he was leaving a ticket for Chloe to attend Game One of the American League Division Series. Pitcher Brady Rodgerssaid, "Chloe needs to come back to the playoff games and cheer her heart out for our team! Don’t change Chloe! You’re a true @astros fan!"

Outfielder Josh Reddick added, "Don’t let anybody tell you to stop cheering! If they don’t like it then they can go home." 

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