1 of 19 They boys and I filling dirt packs for the flowers to be transplanted into.
2 of 19 One of the many beautiful flowers already blooming.
3 of 19 My Dad and Josh Jr. in the dirt room- the masks are for the dirt- not the covid.
4 of 19 Grady's favorite task- popping out the flowers for transplanting. He said it was "satisfying"
5 of 19 no makeup selfie- don't judge me. I was getting dirty anyway
6 of 19 transplanting peppers- this was the hardest job, they are so fragile
7 of 19 My brother Kelly watering while the ladies work on transplanting peppers
8 of 19 I squeezed in a wonderful visit with my oldest friend Traci- it's always wonderful catching up and we never run out of things to talk about
9 of 19 Traci's daughter Miriam gave me a tiara!
10 of 19 Nothing like snow on Spring Break! LOL
11 of 19 pretty pansies
12 of 19 Isn't this gorgeous?
13 of 19 14 of 19 My mom is the brains behind the greenhouse and is always working- shout out to MOM!
15 of 19 Family fish fry!
16 of 19 Me and my BFF Liz- always wonderful to catch up!
17 of 19 It was another snowy day to drive home. They ended up getting about 2-3 inches- I got the heck out!
18 of 19 Me and Grady goofing off!
19 of 19 Saban had the best time of all being a greenhouse dog
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